Summer 2018 Tempus Fugit, Indeed!

It seems forever since my last blog and even longer since a gaming related post. Tempus Fugit or time flies, indeed!

Lots of wonderful gaming has taken place since Winter 2017. Sadly, most of those games exploded. It happens in this adult thing we call life. Some of us learned that smaller, more episodic sessions were more their speed than long-form campaigns. But not me. While I enjoy the occasional one-shot, give me a weekly campaign any day.

Speaking of gaming, I got a chance to run the Starfinder system, a spacefaring role-playing game by Paizo. For my campaign I decided to use the Dead Suns Adventure Path with a few twists of my own. After several hiccups, we managed to get through most of the first book. Overall, I enjoy the system and find the setting compelling.

In-between Starfinder sessions there has been playtesting Paizo’s new second edition of their Pathfinder gaming system. PF2 is their attempt to distill the D&D 3.5 system down into something more streamlined and at the same the time, a new start. As usual with these types of things, fans are split on whether this is a good thing to happen but regardless on which side you pick, it’s a smart business move as D&D 5e is killing Paizo right now.

Pathifnder 2 Playtest Logo - Fugit

To keep myself from burning out on Pathfinder-esque gaming, I’m also working on a Wraith mini-campaign. The 20th (25th now) Anniversary book has arrived. Finally. Honestly, I must hate myself because everyone knows that Wraith is the game that ruins friendships. Still, I think the cost will be worth it. On the book side, it is lovely and everything I’ve been waiting for. I’ll write a proper review once done consuming the book. Maybe. We shall see.

Until next season, happy gaming y’all!